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Destination Travel Medical Insurance Plans

Underwritten by Zurich Insurance Company Ltd (Canadian Branch)

Claims Administration and Assistance Services provided by Zurich Travel Assist

Managed by The Destination Travel Group Inc.




Travel Leisure Plan


Destination Travel Leisure Insurance offers single-trip and annual multi-trip Emergency Medical plans for Canadians under 75 years old at very competitive rates.  This insurance provides emergency medical coverage to a maximum of $5 million CAD when you are travelling outside your province/territory of residence and Canada.  This policy can be purchased ONLINE directly from the insurance provider.



Questions? Please call at 416-493-0101, 1-877-443-0101

What's on this page

Policy Wording


Summary of Benefits

Pre-existing conditions coverage



What to do when you need medical attention

For travelers up to 54 years of age on the application date

●  Single Trip coverage cannot exceed amount of days permitted by your provincial/territorial GHIP. The Single Trip Plan can be used to top up other plans and can be purchased after departure from your home province.

●  Annual multi-trip plans are available with 8 days, 16 days and 32 days per trip.

Travelers 55 - 74 years of age on the application date can purchase Travel Leisure Plan without medical questionnaire :

●  Single trip plan: for trips no longer than 25 days. This plan cannot top-up insurance polices with other insurance providers.

●  Annual Multi-trip plans: an 8-day or a 16-day annual multi-trip emergency medical insurance plan for unlimited number of trips during one year.



To be eligible for this insurance, you must meet the following conditions on your policy effective date:

●  your are at least 15 days old and under age 75; and

●  you are covered by the Government Health Insurance Plan (GHIP) of your Canadian province or territory of residence for the entire duration of your trip; and

●  you are not travelling against the advice of a physician; and

  you have not used home oxygen within the last 12 months prior to date of application, and

  you have not been diagnosed with or received treatment for any of the following conditions:

• terminal illness; or

aneurysm that has not been surgically repaired; or

metastatic cancer or cancer of the liver, pancreas or bone; or

organ transplant (heart, lung, liver, kidney); or

kidney failure requiring dialysis


Coverage for pre-existing medical conditions

This policy does not provide benefits for losses or expenses incurred as a result of, in connection with or in any way associated with: Any pre-existing medical condition (other than a minor condition) that was not stable at any time:

-  during the 90 days prior to the policy effective date for ages under 60, and

-  within 180 days prior to the policy effective date for ages 60-74.

Stable means a medical condition is considered stable when all of the following statements are true:

1. there has not been any new treatment prescribed or recommended, or change(s) to existing treatment (including a stoppage in treatment); and

2. there has not been any change in medication*, or any recommendation or starting of a new prescription drug, and

3. the medical condition has not become worse, and

4. there has not been any new, more frequent or more severe symptoms, and

5. there has been no hospitalization or referral to a specialist, and

6. there have not been any tests; investigation or treatment recommended, but not yet complete, nor any outstanding test results, and

7. there is no planned or pending treatment.

 All of the above conditions must be met for a medical condition to be considered stable.


* Change in medication means the medication dosage, frequency or type has been reduced, increased or stopped, and/or new medication(s) has/have been prescribed. Exceptions: the routine adjustment of Coumadin, warfarin or insulin (as long as they are not newly prescribed or stopped) to test your blood levels; and a change from a brand name medication to a generic brand medication of the same dosage


If you are eligible for this policy, you can apply ONLINE:




What to do when you need medical attention

Have your policy confirmation with you at all times. You must notify the Assistance Centre at

+1(416) 260-4553 (collect) or 1-888-726-1839

within 24 hours of any emergency medical treatment. Failure to do so will result in your being responsible for 20% of any eligible expenses incurred unless your emergency prevents you from calling.

The emergency phone numbers are shown in your policy confirmation.

The Emergency Medical Assistance provides services 24 hours per day, 7 days a week.


If your claim is for out-of-pocket expenses only, for quick and easy claim submission, visit https://destinationtravelclaims.nac.zurich.com/ to submit your claim online.


NOTE: The product-related information is for illustration purposes only. Please refer to the Policy wording for details of the coverage provided, exclusions, limitations, conditions  and claim procedure.


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If you have questions about this coverage or want to purchase a policy, please, call at 1-877-443-0101, 416-493-0101,

or  Ask your question online



This website is owned and operated by Natalia Tatchkova, a member of the Financial Advisors Association of Canada, a life & health insurance broker licensed in ON, AB, BC, MB, NB, NS, NL, PE, SK and authorized to offer and sell insurance products from a variety of Canadian insurance providers, including Destination: Travel Group Inc.