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Allianz Travel Insurance for Canadians, Snowbirds, Seniors

This insurance is underwritten by CUMIS General Insurance Company,
  and administered by Allianz Global Assistance


Allianz Global Assistance offers a full package of travel insurance plans.

Emergency Medical Plan (single-trip and multi-trip) provides coverage for emergency treatment and services resulting from an unexpected sickness or injury occurring during your trip, up to an overall maximum of $10 million. No age limit.

This policy covers pre-existing medical conditions that have been stable within 90 days before the departure date for age under 65 and 150 days for age 65+. A medical questionnaire is required to determine the cost of insurance for travelers 65+ years old.


Get a Quote ONLINE for Medical Insurance

NOTE: ONLINE purchase is not available after departure from home province. Call us for consultation.

  Trip Cancellation & Interruption & Trip Delay Plan

  Non-Medical Package

  Comprehensive Travel Insurance Package


Get a Quote ONLINE for Trip Cancellation Insurance

What's on This Page

Emergency Medical Insurance

     (Single-Trip and Multi-Trip)

Policy wording

Key Features

Summary of Medical Coverage

Eligibility & Medical Questionnaire

   (for applicants 65 years old & over)

Pre-Existing Medical Condition


What to do if you need medical attention


Questions? Please call at 

416-493-0101, 1-877-443-0101



What coverage will you have?

 Emergency Medical Insurance (Single -Trip plans and Multi-Trip Annual plans)


To be eligible for coverage, all of the following conditions must be met:

1. As of the effective date of your policy you must:

•  be at least 15 days old, and

•  be a Canadian resident and be insured for benefits under a Canadian government health insurance plan during the entire Coverage Period, and

•  not have been advised against travel by a physician for a period of time which includes your trip, and

•  not be travelling or going on your trip to receive treatment or alternative therapy of any kind.

2. In the two (2) years prior to the effective date, you must not have been diagnosed with or received treatment for a terminal condition for which a physician gave you a prognosis of eventual death or for which palliative care was or is being received.

3. If you are age 65 or older on the effective date, to be eligible for coverage you must not require assistance with activities of daily living including but not limited to, eating, bathing, using the toilet, changing positions (including getting in and out of a bed or chair), or dressing, as the result of a medical condition or state of health.

  Applicants 65 years old and over have to complete the Medical questionnaire to determine their cost of insurance.

Exclusions: the following medical conditions are not covered:

●  Pre-existing medical conditions that do not meet your stability period.

●  An unrepaired aneurysm 4 cm or greater, measured in either length or diameter, diagnosed at any time before the effective date.

●  Any heart condition if you used or were prescribed nitroglycerin in the 90 days before the effective date.

●  Any heart condition if you were diagnosed with, received treatment for, or had an episode of congestive heart failure in the two (2) years before the effective date.

●  Any kidney condition that required dialysis in the 90 days before the effective date.

Any lung/respiratory condition if you used or were prescribed home oxygen or oral steroids (inhalers are not considered oral steroids) for a lung/respiratory condition in the 90 days before the effective date.

●  Any cancer if you had any cancer treatment (other than for basal or squamous cell skin cancer or breast cancer treated only with hormone therapy) in the 90 days before the effective date.

●  Any bone marrow, stem cell, or organ transplant (excluding skin or cornea) received or recommended in the two (2) years before the effective date.

Important Notice: If your medical status has changed since you completed the application, please contact your travel insurance representative to see how this may affect your coverage.


Single-Trip Plan

Provides Worldwide coverage for a single trip. This policy can be purchased after departure from your province of residence, provided you are in good health, you have not incurred any losses after departure from Canada and you will continue to maintain coverage under a government health plan for the entire trip duration.


Multi-Trip Plans

Standard Annual Multi-trip Plan provides Worldwide coverage. You can take an unlimited number of trips within one (1) year. Coverage for each separate trip commences and becomes effective immediately upon your departure from your province or territory of residence and expires when you return to your province or territory of residence.

Each trip taken outside of Canada can be up to the maximum days you selected when you purchased your Multi-Trip plan. For any trip which is longer, you can purchase a top-up before your departure. You can consider 8, 15, 35 -day  Multi-Trip annual plans.

Annual Medical Flex Plan. This policy providing coverage for a specific number of travel days within a one-year period, based on your individual travel plans. Travel days can be used across any number of trips with no per-trip day limit, as long as you stay within the annual travel day limit you purchased. You will have the option to select Worldwide coverage or Worldwide excluding travel to the USA.

Trips within Canada are limited only to the maximum number of days allowed by your provincial or territorial health insurance plan.



Deductible options $0 and $500 (25% discount) are available.


Waiting period

If you purchase your policy after you have exited your province or territory of residence, any sickness that manifests itself during the first 48 hours after the effective date is not covered even if related expenses are incurred after the 48-hour waiting period.



You can apply for additional coverage after you have left on your trip, if:

a) You purchase additional coverage before the expiry date of your existing coverage; and

b) You have no reason to seek medical attention during the new Coverage Period; and

c) You have no reason to submit a claim during the new Coverage Period.

If you have incurred a claim during your period of coverage, the insurer will review your file before deciding on granting an extension.

Each policy or term of coverage is considered a separate contract.



Emergency Hospital & Medical Single-trip Insurance Plans

Within 10 days of purchase:

A full premium refund will be provided when you cancel your policy within 10 days of purchase, as long as you have not left on your trip and have not experienced an event that would cause you to submit a claim.

More than 10 days after purchase:

• You can request a premium refund if you did not depart on your trip and you have not submitted a claim for review under any benefit under this policy.

• Partial refunds  for unused days if you end your trip early are available if there is no claim in the policy.

The refund will be calculated based on the date the refund request is received by Allianz Global Assistance.

Refund amounts less than $20 will not be issued.

There will be no refund of premium if a claim has been made.

Annual Emergency Hospital & Medical Multi-trip Plans are not refundable after the effective date.


What does Emergency Hospital & Medical Insurance for Canadians cover?

The insurer will pay up to $10 million for reasonable and customary costs incurred unexpectedly by an insured Canadian resident during the period of coverage. Here are some of the benefits Emergency Hospital & Medical Insurance you receive:

Benefit Details

Emergency Hospital

Semi-private hospital accommodation and reasonable and customary services and supplies necessary for your emergency care during confinement as a resident in-patient.

Medical Services

The services of  a legally licensed physician, surgeon, anaesthetist or registered graduate nurse.

Diagnostic Services

When performed at the time of the initial emergency, lab tests and/or X-ray examination as ordered by a physician for the purpose of diagnosis.

Out-Patient Treatment

Emergency out-patient services provided by a hospital.

Prescription Drugs

Prescriptions required as an outpatient as a result of your covered sickness or injury are limited to a 30 day supply. This does not include medication available without a prescription where treatment is received.

Paramedical Services

Physiotherapist, chiropractor, podiatrist, chiropodist services to treat your emergency when medically necessary. Up to a maximum of $500 per profession.


The use of a licensed local air, land, or sea ambulance (including mountain or sea evacuation), to the nearest hospital when reasonable and necessary.

Emergency Transportation

Transportation to the nearest appropriate medical facility or to a Canadian hospital due to a covered emergency sickness or injury.


Up to up to the maximum Sum Insured for emergency treatment in the case of accidental blow to face and up to $500 for the relief of dental pain.

Return of Deceased

Preparation and transportation to your permanent residence in Canada, or up to $5,000 for cremation or burial at the place of death.

Return to Original Trip Destination

If you are returned to your province or territory of residence under the Emergency Transportation benefit, and the attending physician determines that the treatment received in Canada resolved the emergency, a maximum of $5,000 will be paid, only when pre-approved and arranged by Allianz, for a one-way economy flight to return you and one insured travelling companion to the original trip destination.

Out-of-Pocket Expenses

Up to a maximum of $3,500 for additional reasonable living costs, child care costs (for travelling companions under age 18 or physically or mentally handicapped and reliant on you for assistance), essential telephone calls and taxi fares incurred by you or any insured persons remaining with you while you are hospitalized as an inpatient during the period of coverage.

Trip Break

for Single-Trip Plans

During the period of coverage yon may return once to your province or territory of residence for up to 15 consecutive days without terminating this policy. There is no coverage under this plan in your province or territory of residence. Refunds are not payable for any days you spend in your province or territory of residence during the Trip-Break. You must meet eligibility requirements of this policy when you exit your province of residence in order to continue coverage.

Other Benefits

Return of Traveling Companion, Attendant, Transportation of Family or Friend, Return of Vehicle, Return of Cat or Dog, Identity Fraud Recovery

24-Hour Travel Assistance Services

Coordination of all medical care, transportation, and repatriation; telephone interpretation services in most languages; monitoring of progress during treatment and recovery by managed care.

Automatic Extension of Coverage

Medically unfit to travel: If you or your travelling companion is deemed unfit to travel due to a covered sickness or injury, your coverage will be extended until you or your travelling companion is deemed fit to travel, plus an additional five (5) days to travel to your province or territory of residence. Allianz Global Assistance medical staff in consultation with the attending physician will determine when you or your travelling companion is deemed fit to travel..


Exclusions and limitations. Travel medical insurance does not cover everything. This insurance has exclusions, conditions and limitations.

Pre-Existing Medical Condition Exclusion

Expenses that are due to, contributed by, or resulting from pre-existing medical conditions, may qualify for coverage, if your pre-existing medical condition meets the stability period that applies to you.

If you are age 64 or under, stability period for pre-existing medical conditions is 90 days immediately before the effective date.

If you are age 65 or over, stability period is 150 days immediately before the effective date.

To be considered Stable during your stability period, your pre-existing medical condition or related conditions must not have resulted in any of the following:

New treatment (including new prescriptions),

Change in treatment including frequency, dosage (increase / decrease, stopping, new) or type (including prescriptions),

Signs or symptoms,

A new diagnosis,

Test results showing your condition is worsening,


A referral to a specialist, received or recommended, or

Waiting for any test results, further investigation, or surgery.

The following are considered STABLE:

- Diabetic Insulin users - Routine insulin adjustment not prescribed by your physician, as long as insulin was not first prescribed during your stability period,

- Coumadin, Warfarin users - Routine adjustment of these medications, as long as Coumadin or Warfarin were not first prescribed during your stability period,

- A change from a brand name medication to a generic medication, or

- Minor Ailments - a sickness or injury that ended more than 30 days prior to your effective date and did not require:

a) treatment (including prescriptions) for more than 30 consecutive days, or

b) more than one (1) follow-up with a physician.

Some other exclusions:

This policy does not provide coverage for any loss that results directly or indirectly from any of the following general exclusions

Traveling against the advice of a physician;

Routine pre-natal or post-natal care or elective treatment for pregnancy, including high-risk pregnancy;

Pregnancy, childbirth or complications thereof after the 31st week of pregnancy;

Your travel to a country, region or city with a published formal travel advisory issued by the Canadian government or responsible ministry or public authority, before your effective date, advising travelers to avoid all travel, or to avoid non-essential travel, and you have an emergency or medical condition related to the reason for the travel warning, your claim will not be paid.

Please refer to the Policy wording (pg 12-13) for a full list of exclusions .


NOTE: The product-related information is for illustration purposes only. For complete benefits, terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions, please refer to the Policy wording.


If you have questions about this coverage, or want to make changes to your existing policy or to purchase the policy, please, call at 416-493-0101, 1-877-443-0101 or click here to ask your question online.


What to do if you need medical attention

Have your policy confirmation with you at all times. In the event of sickness or injury which may result in claim, please contact Allianz Global Assistance at the telephone numbers shown on your Policy confirmation.  When contacting the Assistance Centre, please provide your name, your policy number, your location and the nature of your emergency.

For 24/7 emergency assistance call Allianz Global Assistance:

Toll-free Canada/USA: 1-800-995-1662

Toll-free worldwide: 00-800-842-08420 or   Country code + 800-842-08420

If unable to contact us through the toll-free numbers, call collect: 416-340-0049. International operator assistance may be required, depending on where you are calling from.

It is recommended you confirm how to call Canada from your destination prior to departure so you are prepared in the event of an emergency.


If your claim is for out-of-pocket expenses only, it can be submitted through the secure Allianz Global Assistance

Claims Portal: www.allianzassistanceclaims.ca for the most efficient claims experience.


To apply for benefits under this policy, you will need to send a completed claim form (with all original bills attached) to Allianz Global Assistance. Consult the claim guideline on the Policy wording (pg.15).

Important Notice regarding claim procedure !

You, or someone on your behalf, must notify Allianz Global Assistance prior to any surgery being performed or within 24 hours of admission to a hospital. Failure to do so, without reasonable cause, will result in the reduction of eligible benefit amounts payable by 20%.






This website is owned and operated by Natalia Tatchkova, a member of the Financial Advisors Association of Canada, a life & health insurance broker licensed in ON, AB, BC, MB, NB, NS, NL, PE, SK and authorized to offer and sell insurance products from Allianz Global Assistance.