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Manulife Financial
Travel Insurance for Canadians


Manulife offers Emergency Medical Insurance (up to $10,000 coverage) and All-Inclusive plans for one trip and many trips (annual plans) as well as Trip Cancellation & Interruption insurance (single trip).

COVID-19 Pandemic Travel Plan is available.

Get a quote or buy Travel insurance Online directly from Manulife Financial: click on the link below to protect yourself and your health before traveling.

Get a Quote  OR  Buy Online from Manulife

NOTE: Topping-up: When you have travel insurance but need longer coverage, you can apply for a top-up for the number of days not covered under your existing policy. Choose "Top-up" plan, enter your actual departure date and return date, and then the number of days covered under your existing policy.

Questions? - Please call   416-493-0101, 1-877-443-0101

What's on This Page

Emergency Medical Insurance

Policy Wording

Medical Questionnaire

  (for applicants 60+)

Key Features

Summary of Medical Coverage

Pre-Existing Medical Condition &

   Other Exclusions

All Inclusive Plan

Policy Wording

Trip Cancellation & Interruption

Policy Wording

What to do if you need medical attention


What coverage you will get

Emergency Medical Insurance for one trip (single trip plans) and many trips (multi-trip annual plans)

Covers claims arising from sudden and unexpected situations: accidents and medical conditions that require immediate treatment.


To be eligible for Emergency Medical coverage, you must, as of the date you apply for coverage and the effective date:

•   be a resident of Canada and covered under a government health insurance plan for the entire duration of your trip;

•   be at least thirty (30) days of age;

•   not have been advised by a physician to avoid travel at this time;

•   not have a terminal illness for which a physician has estimated you have less than six (6) months to live;

•   not have metastatic cancer (cancer that has spread from the original site to another place in your body);

•   not require kidney dialysis;

•   not have been prescribed or used home oxygen in the last twelve (12) months; and

•   never have had bone marrow, stem cell or organ transplant (except corneal transplant).


Single-Trip Plans provide Worldwide coverage. You can also buy Canada Emergency Medical Plan, which  provides emergency medical benefits at half the premium when all travel is within Canada only (when traveling outside your province of residence but in Canada).


Multi-Trip Annual Plans

If you take two or more trips each year, you can purchase a Multi-trip annual plan for an unlimited number of trips taken during 365 days. Coverage for each separate trip commences and becomes effective immediately upon your departure from Canada (or your province of residence) and ends when you return to Canada (or your province of residence).

Each trip taken outside Canada can be up to the maximum days you selected when you purchased your Multi-trip plan. Select coverage for 4, 10, 18, 30 or 60 days per trip outside of Canada. If you need extra coverage days, you can purchase Top-Up coverage for trips that are longer than the maximum trip length of your Multi-Trip plan.

This plan provides emergency medical coverage for unlimited travel within Canada but outside your province of residence.


Other options

All-Inclusive plans (multi-trip and single-trip), Trip Cancellation & Trip Interruption for single trips, so you can make the choice that's best for you.

Manulife All-Inclusive plans include Emergency Medical, Trip Cancellation & Trip Interruption, Baggage Loss, Damage and Delay, and Flight and Travel Accident.


Age means your age on the application date. No maximum age limit.


Savings and Deductibles

50% Travel Canada Savings: When purchasing a Single-Trip Emergency Medical and all the travel is within Canada.
5% Travel Companion Savings for Any Emergency Medical Plan: This is available on all medical plans.

Family Coverage for Any Emergency Medical Plan: Available for spouse and dependent children or grandchildren when all family members are under age 60. The rate is calculated at:

-  1.5 X the premium for one parent/grandparent travelling with children/grandchildren;

-  2 X the premium rate for two parents/grandparents travelling with dependent children/grandchildren;

-  3 X the premium for three generations of parents/grandparents with dependent children/grandchildren.

Deductible Savings Options

All published rates include a zero deductible. The following deductible options are available for Single-Trip and Multi-Trip Emergency Medical plans only:


 Deductible per insured per claim, CAD $500 $1,000 $5,000 $10,000
 Applicable Savings 10% 15% 30% 35%


Deductible savings options are not applicable to the Travel Canada plan and All-Inclusive plans.



Full refund: You may cancel your Emergency Medical policy prior to your policy effective date (your effective date if you have purchased a Multi-Trip Emergency Medical plan).

Partial refund (Single trip Emergency Medical policy): If you return home early, you may request a refund of premium (minimum $25) for the unused coverage days of your trip providing there has been or will be no claim reported or initiated, that you have not been provided with any assistance services. You will have to send to the company your written request with proof of the date you actually returned home.

Refunds and cancellations are not available on the Trip Cancellation & Interruption, All-Inclusive and Multi-Trip plans.



If you are already on your trip, and need to apply for an extension of your coverage, call the insurance broker or Manulife before the expiry date of your existing coverage. You may be able to extend your coverage, as long as:

•  the total length of your trip, including the extension, does not exceed the maximum allowed by your government health insurance plan (180-212 days depending on your province of residence);

•  you pay the additional premium (minimum $25);

•  there has been no event that has resulted or may result in a claim against the policy; and

•  there has been no change in your health status.


Automatic Extensions to Coverage

Emergency medical coverage is provided beyond your policy expiry date at no additional premium :

•  For 72 hours days in the event your common carrier or vehicle is delayed;

•  If you or your travel companion are hospitalized on the expiry date, for the remaining period of your hospital confinement (up to a maximum of 365 days) plus 5 days after discharge from the hospital; or,

•  For 5 days if you or your travel companion are unable to travel on your scheduled return date but you are not hospitalized.



This insurance includes the following Emergency Medical Benefits

Key Benefits Maximum Limit

Maximum liability

Up to 10 million

Emergency medical treatment

Reasonable and customary charges for medical care received from a physician in or out of a hospital;

The cost of a semi-private hospital room (or an intensive or coronary care unit where medically necessary);

The services of a licensed private duty nurse while you are in hospital;

The rental or purchase (whichever is less) of a hospital bed, wheelchair, brace, crutch or other medical appliance;

Tests that are needed to diagnose or find out more about your condition;

Drugs that are prescribed and are available only by prescription from a physician or dentist

Paramedical services

Coverage for professional medical services due to covered risk, up to $70 per visit a combined maximum of $700 for a covered injury

Ambulance transportation

Reasonable and customary charges for local licensed ambulance to transport you to the nearest appropriate medical service provider in an emergency

Emergency dental treatment

Up to $300 for the relief of dental pain ; and/or

Accidental blow to mouth - up to $3,000 to repair or replace your teeth

Trip break

Return home to your province of residence without terminating coverage. If you experience any change in your health during the Trip Break, you must notify the Assistance Centre prior to leaving your province of residence for confirmation of continued coverage.

Other benefits

Hospital allowances, Phone call expenses, Pet return, Terrorism coverage

The following benefits must be pre-approved and arranged by the Assistance Centre

Expenses related to death

Up to $5,000

Emergency Return home

If recommended by attending physician; including air ambulance transportation if this is medically necessary.

Visit to bedside

If the insured is traveling alone and hospitalised for 3 days or more because of a medical emergency, the company will pay the economy class airfare for someone to be with you.

Return of children in the care of the insured

If the insured is traveling alone and hospitalised for more than 24 hours  or must return home because of an emergency, the company will pay for extra cost of one-way economy class airfare to return the children home. The children must be covered under a policy underwritten by Manulife.

Additional expenses for meals, hotel, and taxi

Reimbursement of up to $200 per day to maximum of $2,000 for extra meals, hotel, and taxi fare, if a medical emergency prevents you or your travel companion from returning home as planned.

Return home of vehicle

Up to 3,000 charged by a commercial agency to bring your vehicle home.

Other pre-approved benefits

Child care expenses, Expenses to return your travel companion, Return of excess baggage


Medical Concierge Services

Medical Concierge Services provided by StandbyMD.

StandbyMD has an international network of medical providers and partners who provide services across time zones and who assure a quick and streamlined access to healthcare 24/7/365 all over the world.

StandbyMD allows you to access multiple levels of personalized care ranging from:

• Teleconsultations for eligible cases (telephone/chat/video conference access to a qualified physician who can assess your symptoms and provide treatment options)

• A network of visiting physicians (In 141 countries and over 4,500 cities)

• In-network clinics close to the patient

• In-network ERs located close to the patient only if necessary.

In addition, when you travel to the United States, StandbyMD offers the following services:

• Same-day co-ordination and delivery of lost/forgotten prescription maintenance medication, eyeglasses or contact lenses and medical supplies.

To access this service, simply call the Assistance Centre using the phone numbers indicated on the wallet card.



Travel medical insurance does not cover everything. This insurance has exclusions, conditions and limitations. Please read them and understand the policy before you buy this insurance.


Pre-Existing Medical Condition Exclusion

If your age at the time of application is less than 60 years, the pre-existing condition clause for category A is applied to you (3-month stability period).

If your age is 60 years and over you will be asked to answer several medical questions on the applications (see Medical Questionnaire) and depending on your answers you will qualify for rates and  pre-existing condition coverage of categories A, B, C (stability period for rate category A is 3 months and 6 months for rates categories B,C).

For Travel Canada Emergency Medical Plan, no pre-existing condition exclusion applies. The applicants must still complete the medical questionnaire, if applicable, to determine their Rate Category to calculate premium.

Please click on Pre-Existing Condition for the details on this coverage.


Some Other Exclusions

●  Any emergency when, prior to the purchase date, you had not met all of the eligibility requirements or truthfully and accurately answered all the questions in the medical questionnaire (if applicable).

●  Covered expenses that exceed 80% of the cost we would normally have to pay under this insurance if you or someone on your behalf does not contact the Assistance Centre at the time of the emergency.

●  Any non-emergency, investigative or elective treatment such as cosmetic surgery, chronic care, rehabilitation, or any directly or indirectly related complications.

●  The continued treatment of a medical condition when you have already received emergency treatment for that condition during your trip and your medical emergency has ended.

●  A medical condition for which future investigation or treatment was planned before you left home. A medical condition that had caused your physician to advise you not to travel

●  An emergency resulting from: hang-gliding, rock-climbing, mountaineering, parachuting or skydiving; participating in a motorized speed contest; or your professional participation in a sport, snorkeling or scuba-diving when that sport, snorkeling or scuba-diving, is your principal paid occupation.

●  Not following recommended or prescribed therapy or treatment.

●  A mental or emotional disorder (other than acute psychosis) that does not require admission to a hospital.

●  Your routine pre-natal care; your pregnancy or childbirth or complications thereof when they happen in the nine (9) weeks before or after the expected date of delivery; your child born during your trip.

●  For insured children under two (2) years of age, any medical condition related to a birth defect.

Any benefit that must be authorized or arranged in advance by the Assistance Centre when it has given no authorization or made no arrangement for that benefit.

●  Any emergency that occurs or recurs after our medical advisors recommend that you return home following your emergency treatment, and you choose not to.

●  For policy extensions or Top-Ups: any medical condition which first appeared, was diagnosed or treated after the scheduled departure date and prior to the effective date of the insurance extension or Top-Up.

●  Any change in your health status or medical condition that occurred or that started or any medical condition that did not remain stable during your Trip Break.

●  Any act of terrorism or any medical condition you suffer or contract when an official travel advisory issued by the Canadian government states, "Avoid all non-essential travel" or "Avoid all travel" regarding the country, region or city of your destination, before your effective date. This exclusion does not apply to claims for an emergency or a medical condition unrelated to the travel advisory.

Please refer to the Policy Wording for a full list of exclusions and limitations.



All-Inclusive Plans (Single-Trip and Multi-Trip Annual)

If you make pre-paid travel arrangements, you may want to choose the All-Inclusive plan that includes:


Insurance Offered Coverage Amounts per Insured

Emergency Medical

up to $10,000,000 per policy

Trip Cancellation & Interruption

Single-Trip Plans: up to the sum insured to maximum of $3,500 per trip

Multi-Trip Plans: up to $3,500 per trip to a maximum of $6,000 per policy

Baggage Loss or Damage

Single-Trip Plans: up to $1,000 per trip
Multi-Trip Plans:
up to $3,000 per policy. 

Baggage Delay

Single-Trip Plans: up to $500 per policy
Multi-Trip Plans:
up to $1,500 per policy.

Flight Accident

$100,000 for death or dismemberment.

Travel Accident

$50,000 for death or dismemberment.


Please refer for the All-Inclusive Plan Policy Wording for details.



Trip Cancellation & Interruption insurance can be purchased separately.

To be eligible to purchase stand-alone Trip Cancellation coverage, you must be living in Canada or traveling through Canada. Under Trip Cancellation & Interruption insurance, coverage will include travel within your province of residence.

Please refer for the Trip Cancellation & Interruption Policy Wording for details.


NOTE: The product-related information is for illustration purpose only. Please refer to the Policy wording for details on the coverage provided, conditions, exclusions, limitations and claim procedure.



Get a quote & buy Online from Manulife



If you have questions about this insurance coverage, or need help to complete the online application, or you want to purchase a policy, please, call at 416-493-0101 or 1-877-443-0101 or click here to send your question Online.


What to do if you need medical attention

Have your policy confirmation with you at all times. In the event of sickness or injury which may result in claim, please contact Manulife Financial  ASSISTANCE CENTRE at the telephone numbers shown on your policy confirmation (in the section Please note) and the Policy wording (pg. 3).

Emergency phone numbers:

Toll-free from the USA & Canada - 1-888-881-8010;

collect to Canada from anywhere else in the world - 1(519) 945-8346.

Immediate access to the Assistance Centre is also available through its TravelAid mobile app. To download the app, visit: http://Active-Care.ca/TravelAid. The TravelAid mobile app can also provide you with directions to the nearest medical facility, local emergency telephone numbers (such as 911 in North America), and pre- and post-departure travel tips.

The Assistance Centre has existing relationships with medical providers in many vacation destinations, as well as contacts all over the world, to ensure emergency situations are handled as smoothly as possible. Manulife Assistance Centre will communicate with your medical provider, arrange direct billing where possible and coordinate payment of the emergency service received.

 Important Notice regarding claim procedure !

Your policy provides travel assistance. If you experience a medical emergency, you must notify the Assistance Centre immediately. For insurance coverage under Trip Cancellation/Interruption insurance, you must call the Assistance Centre within forty-eight (48) hours of the cause of cancellation.

Your policy may limit benefits should you not contact the Assistance Centre.


To apply for benefits under this policy, you will need to send a completed claim form (with all original bills attached) to Manulife. (The claim form is available by contacting the Assistance Centre). Consult the claim guideline in the Policy wording (pg. 8-9) for the claim procedure.

This website is owned and operated by Natalia Tatchkova, a member of the Financial Advisors Association of Canada, a life & health insurance broker licensed in ON, AB, BC, MB, NB, NS, NL, PE, SK and authorized to offer and sell insurance products from Manulife Financial.